Parent Resources
Please see below a list with resources and information for the families in our community.

Parent Service Organization (PSO)
The transformative education offered at Archway Arete would not be possible without the generous and passionate commitment of our Parent Service Organization (PSO). We invite you to explore the many ways you can be involved in shaping the educational experience at Archway Arete.
Explore the PSO
Explore the many ways you can be involved in shaping the educational experience at Archway Arete.
Volunteer Now
At Great Hearts schools, the student uniform is an essential part of who we are and what we do. The uniform serves to unify our students as one community of learners, irrespective of our diverse backgrounds.
Learn About Uniforms

Health Office
The goal of our health office is to aid in the health and wellness of your child, by making sure students are current with their vaccinations, are compliant with our illness policies, and to keep your student at school and learning when possible.
Explore the Health Office
Family Resources
Please review these commonly used academy and family resources.
View Family Resources